Presenting your Car’s Provenance with matching quality.

OK, at least you have the documentation, and you know where it is. And maybe you even have it in an old ring binder.

That’s all fine if it is just any old car, but if it is a car that is unusual, made in low numbers or has a rich, unusual history, then you know that the value of that car is much dependent upon its provenance.

The documentation is proof that the car is what you say it is. And the more research and detail the better off you are when it comes to the value of the car.

Now to the presentation of those important documents. The more clear, concise and orderly they are, the better. Loose piles of documents, of course, make it hard to find and get a good picture.

And while we are on the subject of pictures. Do you have images that present your car in the best possible way? Probably not.

Patina Custom Publishing can change that.

We can make your documentation into to a beautiful work of art—that matches the beauty of your vehicle.

Until a few years ago, this type of publishing could only be in someone’s dreams, because of the cost. Digital publishing has changed that and made it quite reasonable to print in small quantities.

It is up to you how you would like to proceed. We can start from scratch with doing research, photograph your vehicle both in detail and from an aesthetic perspective. Or we can work with the materials and images that you have. Or a combination of both. In any case, the work will be performed by award-winning graphic designers and top notch photographers.

It’s all up to you, that’s the beauty of custom publishing.

Not only for documentation.

The book, which can be published in one copy or in thousands, can be a unique part of your car, or it can become a cherished gift to friends and acquaintances who share your interest and pride. Maybe you can even sell it.

To get started, contact us through the email form below, and let us start collaborating on how to make your “pile-in-the-drawer” into a beautiful conversation piece on your coffee table.

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We can make your documentation into to a beautiful work of art—that matches the beauty of your vehicle.